Sunday, February 8, 2015

Data Format, Protocols, and Storage Methods of Mars Curiosity Rover

Data transfer between unmanned systems and ground control stations is a challenge for any unmanned system. Data transfer between an unmanned system and a ground control station which are planets apart becomes even more of challenge given the limitations of our current technology. Understanding the methods behind the Mars Curiosity Rover communications system will help us gain understanding about data management, treatment, and movement in any unmanned system. Additionally, being able to understand the onboard sensor and how they interact with the data transfer architecture in terms of power requirements, data storage requirements, and data treatment methods, will help us analyze the current state of technology. Upon a detailed study of the current situation, proposed future changes could streamline the entire data transfer process from the sensor to the final product.  

Data Format, Protocol, and Storage

The Curiosity Rover has a network of satellites that allows the rover on the surface of Mars to communicate with the ground control station (GCS) on earth at high data rates. Unlike smaller unmanned systems, direct communication between the ground station and the vehicle are impracticable due to the power requirements and bandwidth limitations that exits when transmitting data between Earth and Mars. The rover and the GCS can be as far as 400,000,000 km apart, and to transmit data over that distance while using a relatively feasible mount of power, the bandwidth peaks at 800 b/ s using the onboard high gain antenna, which utilizes X band frequencies (Gordon, 2012). This type of communication can transfer telemetry and navigational commands to the rover, but sending raw imagery or data from one of its many sensors would be extremely impractical. For large data the Curiosity Rover utilizes the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to relay its data back to earth. The MRO orbits only 275km over the surface of Mars, which exponentially decreases the power requirement to transmit large data files off the surface of Mars (Taylor, 2006). The orbiter is designed not only to relay and amplify signals back to Earth, but it is an instrument of science loaded with its own sensors that are used in conjunction with the rover. The final piece of the communications architecture is the GCS. There are three large ground stations, one in Goldstone, California, one in Madrid, Spain, and one in Canberra, Australia. These GCSs are on a much larger scale than any terrestrial based unmanned system GCS. They come standard with one 70m parabolic antenna and at least two 34m parabolic antennas. By creating huge power hungry antennas on the earth, the size and power required by the orbiter and rover to transmit and receive data can be decreased (Gordon, 2012).    

Mars Earth Comms

Onboard Sensors

In terms of sensors onboard Curiosity, there are many high tech sensors that have a range of purposes (NASA, 2015). In an effort to study data transfer techniques; analyzing the sensors with the highest data transfer requirement will assist in understanding how to streamline the process in the future. Some of the highest data producing sensors on the rover are the mast cameras. There are two 2-megapixl cameras that not only capture imagery, but can be used as a stereo pair in order to conduct 3D mapping of the rovers immediate surrounds. Anyone with a background in photography would think 2MP cameras are not the best choice for a 2.5 billion dollar space probe, but this is the first step of the data treatment method utilized by the engineers on the rover project. By utilizing a lower megapixel camera, the data transfer requirement is decreased before utilizing compression, or other forms of data treatment. The mast cameras utilizes a 1600 x 1200 pixel resolution interline camera sensor (Cangeloso, 2012). This camera is capable of storing up to 5500 full size images on the actual cameras memory itself, which acts as a buffer. This capture resolution roughly translates to about a 1.4mb image file in its raw form (Gordon, 2012). This is where the use of the MRO and UFH radio communication come in. The UHF radio on the rover can pump out much higher bandwidth, which is up to 256 kb/s. This is done with a 12 watts transceiver. If the rover was required to send via its high gain antenna straight back to Earth via X-band communications, data transfer could only top out around 800 b/s and required 15 watts of power. This would mean the same images would take much longer to transmit and require the 15watt transceiver to be active and drawing energy for a much longer period of time (Taylor, 2006). The power and time constraints placed on the entire system when the MRO is not used would severely limit the mission success of the rover.      


Alternative Data Treatment Strategy

Since 2004, which is when Curiosity and the MRO were designed many things have changed in terms of image compression and data storage. Starting with the sensor, I would recommend the use of a higher resolution camera pair, but include the use of lossy image compression. This would have two aspects, it would increase the native resolution and quality of the imagery coming from the mast camera set, but the lossy compression would reduce the data back into a manageable data set that would be easily relayed back to earth (Chin, 2013). The second methodology in terms of data transfer would be increasing the onboard storage capacity from about 8 GB to 100 GB per sensor. Along with the increased storage, I would implement a server based tagging method to the imagery that would add metadata and allow scientist to query the server and then pull full resolution imagery as needed. Not having to send back all the imagery at full resolution would save bandwidth to allow simultaneous transfer of the “current view” low resolution imagery as well a full resolution stills that are being queried by scientists for further investigation. 

Both data storage and processing power are increasing exponentially every day. The physics of data transfer and the power required to accomplish it are not as rapidly advancing as fast, and this is why alternatives and advances in data transfer should focus on the digit aspects rather than the electromagnetic aspects. Long distance laser data transfer may be a long term solution to the current slower moving portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that we utilize, but with todays rapid increase in processing power, the near term solution may be in compression and processing advances in data transfer.          


Gordon, S. (2012, January 1). Talking to Martians: Communications with Mars Curiosity Rover. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from 
Taylor, J. (2006). Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Telecommunications. DESCANSO Design and Performance Summary Series, (Article 12). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from 
Makovsky, A. (2009). Mars Science Laboratory Telecommunications System Design. DESCANSO Design and Performance Summary Series, (Article 14). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from 
NASA. (n.d.). Mars Science Laboratory; Curiosity Rover. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from
Cangeloso, S. (2012, August 9). Why does the $2.5 billion Curiosity use a 2-megapixel camera? | ExtremeTech. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from 
Chin, M. (2013, December 18). New data compression method reduces big-data bottleneck; outperforms, enhances JPEG. Retrieved February 8, 2015, from

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