Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Activity 2-4: Weeding Out a Solution

A UAS is to be designed for precision crop-dusting. In the middle of the design process, the system is found to be overweight.
         Two subsystems – 1) Guidance, Navigation & Control [flying correctly] and 2) Payload delivery [spraying correctly] have attempted to save costs by purchasing off-the-shelf hardware, rather than a custom design, resulting in both going over their originally allotted weight budgets. Each team has suggested that the OTHER team reduce weight to compensate.
         The UAS will not be able to carry sufficient weight to spread the specified (Marketing has already talked this up to customers) amount of fertilizer over the specified area without cutting into the fuel margin. The safety engineers are uncomfortable with the idea of changing the fuel margin at all.
Write a response describing how you, as the Systems Engineer, would go about resolving this issue. Use your imagination, and try to capture what you would really do. Take into account and express in your writing the things you’ve learned so far in this module: What are your considerations? What are your priorities? What do you think about the future prospects for the “next generation, enhanced” version of the system as a result of your approach?
In regards to the scenario above, there are multiple responsibilities that I would have as the systems engineer responsible for resolving the issue between the guidance, navigation and control team and the payload delivery team. The three overarching roles that an ideal systems engineer must assume are; intermediary between design teams, the decision maker when conflicts occur between teams’ and final authority on whether a is ready to hand off to the costumer. Within each role, I must also examine and understand the requirements set forth by the customer, provide clear and concise communication between design teams, and be prepared to take charge of the project as a whole to ensure its on time, well designed, and meets expectations (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, 2015). Below I have outlined how I would resolve to current issue by analyzing and describing how I would accomplish each one of my three overarching responsibilities.
Systems Engineer as an Intermediary
            As the systems engineer I would recognize that the two design teams that are arguing are responsible for very different systems that require very unique technical knowledge to accomplish. The skills associated with developing guidance and navigation are very technical with much of the detail in sensors and computer coding. The payload delivery design team would be more focused on the mechanical aspect of the project. The Payload design team may also feel a certain level of self-proclaimed importance due to the fact that the entire project is essentially built to perform the single task that they are reasonable for. It’s this understanding of not only the requirements and project, but it’s the interpersonal skills and understanding of the design teams as people that could help me perform my duties as an intermediary. I would work to educate both design teams as to how important the other teams contribution to the total project is and perhaps encourage them to take a minute and put themselves in the others shoes. Here we could pass ideas between the design teams and ensure both teams have a good understanding of how far they should be willing to flex in order to ensure the project completion stays the main focus. Perhaps this alone would invigorate one or both teams to seek smart and cost effective solutions to reduce weight from their respective components. 
Systems Engineer as the Decision Maker
            If acting as the intermediary failed to result in a constructive resolution to the overweight problem between both design teams, I would have to utilize the decision making responsibility of my job to seek resolution to the conflict. In general, I would have to take a very detailed look at both the requirements and the costs associated with each design teams’ components and determine for the teams how they would resolve the conflict. I would have to have enough technically knowledge of both subsystems in order to make smart and well educated decisions (System engineer vs. system architect, 2011, p. 73 sec.). Perhaps I could utilize my knowledge of the system as a whole to help both design teams work a creative solution that would lower the weight of both components. Perhaps the off the shelf systems that both teams used contained their own power control unit, but the design team associated with power control told me that they would be able to handle the power control requirements of each of the subsystems in question and both teams would be able to reduce the weight of the system through this efficiency. I would tell both teams to integrate into the main power control unit and then the conflict would be resolved. This example not only demonstrates my role as decision maker, but also reinforces my role as intermediary between design teams at the same time.
Systems Engineer as the Final Authority
            In regards to the above scenario, my role as final authority ties into all other aspects of my job as systems engineer due to the fact that my adherence to satisfying the original requirements is what sparked the conflict in the first place. If I did not take my role as the final authority seriously, I may have aloud to teams to continue forward with their current and produce a final product that was not capable of what it was advertised to do. This would hinder both current and future sales potential.
            The above responsibilities often run concurrently and continually while performing duties as a systems engineer therefore it’s essential to continually relook the requirements and current technology in order to stay one step ahead of the design process. Looking at the iterative design process, the systems engineer is in the best position to fuse future technologies into the project for the next version of the system. Perhaps in the future, a light weight navigation computer may become cheaper and therefore relieve the weight issue. On the other hand, I could reduce the allowed weight of both design teams and increase the payload capability which could make our product better than the competition. Another option would be to keep weight requirements and payload capacity the same while decreasing system cost for future iterations. A systems engineer should balance cost, performance, and capability when looking forward to future versions of systems in order to ensure relevancy in the current and future markets (Dahmann, n.d).     

Dahmann, J. (n.d.). A Model of Systems Engineering in a System of Systems Context. Retrieved September 19, 2016, from http://www.acq.osd.mil/se/docs/2008-04-04_CSER-Paper_Dahmann-etal-SoS.pdf  
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. (2015). ASCI-530 unmanned systems: Module 2 - Global system design concepts, requirements and specification overview.
System engineer vs. system architect (2011). [Motion Picture]. Retrieved Sept 19, 2016, from

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The TDR-1 (1943) vs The MQ-1C (2016)

     One of the oldest UASs that utilizes a video camera and had the ability to drop ordinance is the TDR-1. In 1943 the US Navy worked with both the RCA television company and the Interstate Engineer Company to produce the TDR-1. This aircraft was made out of plywood and tubular steel and weight in at over 5,900 pounds (not including munitions). The aircraft was capable of flying over 495 NM in a single mission and could carry a 2000 pound bomb or torpedo. The radio control system and RCA television camera could be broadcasted about 8 miles to either a ground control station or a flying mothership. Considering TVs and radio controlled systems were just being invented around this time, it was an extremely cutting edge system that proved to be a capable system in combat. In 1945 the TDR-1 actually saw real combat and took out an enemy ship off the cost of the Russel Islands (Newport News Ship Building Inc., n.d.). Looking at UASs of today this system can be compared to the MQ-1C Gray Eagle due to their similarities and methodologies.

The TDR-1 Assault Drone

            The TDR-1 and the MQ-1C both utilize video capture as a form of munition guidance and target acquisition. Both systems utilize a ground control station and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum to control both the aircraft itself and the munitions they carry. Both were fixed wing platforms and both had quite a good mission endurance range. The TDR-1 could carry over 2000 pounds of either bomb or torpedo and the MQ-1C can carry 400 pounds of precision guided munitions (GA-ASI Inc., 2016). These major broad stroke concepts are near mirror images, but upon further investigation one can see that much of the technology equipped on the MQ-1C has truly evolved dramatically since 1943. Many of the sub systems that have evolved did not only evolved for the UAS industry, but can attribute their evolution to the computer evolution, the camera evolution, and aeronautical evolution that has taken place since 1943.

The MQ-1C Gray Eagle 

            Some of the major differences has to do with the fact that integrated circuits did not exist until 1958 (TI Inc., 2008). Much of the computing was accomplished by vacuum tubes. This limited command and control to very simple techniques. Setting the altitude for the TDR-1 was done through dialing a rotary phone dial and have each number represent a particular altitude above ground level (Newport News Ship Building Inc., n.d.). As global navigation techniques evolved into GPS and INS sensors, the idea of following a UAS with a mothership or using just line of sight to figure out where it is became obsolete. The MQ-1C is equipped with redundant GPSs and INSs in order to ensure the operator knows exactly where the system is even when operating via satellites beyond line of sight (GA-ASI., 2016). Another major difference between the TDR-1 and the MQ-1C is that the MQ-1C utilizes digital communication technology. Along with an advancements in camera technology, the swap to digital communication methods allowed for much higher bandwidth communication as well as much further communication distances to include beyond line of sight.

The Future
            Looking even further into the future and taking notes from what we have seen evolved since 1943, one can see there is a bright future of UAS technology. Some of the major initiatives in the department of defense have to deal with simplification and automation of unmanned systems in general. Taking the need for highly skilled operators, and huge logistic supply chains out of the equation is one of the most vital aspects of future success of many of the current UAS programs. Much of these goals will be accomplished through standardizing future technologies, creating modular payload and interoperability with both manned and other unmanned systems (Department of Defense, 2013).   


Department of Defense. (2013). Unmanned Systems Integrated Road Map FY 2013-FY2038. Retrieved September 13, 2016, from http://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DOD-USRM-2013.pdf

GA-ASI Inc. (2016). Gray Eagle UAS. Retrieved September 13, 2016, from http://www.ga-asi.com/gray-eagle

Newport News Ship Building Inc. (n.d.). TDR-1: First Operational US Navy Drone... Successful in Combat in 1944! Retrieved September 12, 2016, from http://www.nnapprentice.com/alumni/letter/TDR_1.pdf   

TI Inc. (2008). Texas Instruments - 1958 Jack Kilby invents integrated circuit. Retrieved September 13, 2016, from http://www.ti.com/corp/docs/company/history/timeline/semicon/1950/docs/58ic_kilby.htm

US Army. (2016). MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). Retrieved September 13, 2016, from http://asc.army.mil/web/portfolio-item/aviation_gray-eagle-uas/

Friday, September 9, 2016

New Uses for UASs (Article Review)

Over the past few years, the number of applications for Unmanned Aerospace Systems (UASs) have grown significantly. Prior to 2000, UASs were reserved for NASA and the Department of Defense. Today we are starting to see small businesses, real estate agencies, and industry turn to UAS platforms to accomplish tasks that were once done by humans, airplanes, or helicopters. Due to the decline in the cost of UASs and their components, as well as the recent changes to FAA regulations that let more agencies use them legally, there has been a burst of new uses for UASs. Beyond the big stories about how Amazon is trying to set up a UAS delivery service, there are smaller and less widely known applications for UASs that will greatly affect the public in the near future.
The insurance industry is starting to use UAS in order to accomplish many subtasks associated with the industry. These subtasks include disaster claim photography and video capture, 3D mapping of auto accidents, and in the future there could even be autonomous claim capture via UAS. All of these will not only save the insurance company time and money, but the savings will be passed to the consumer as well as also expedite the claim payment. This fast claim capture could also augment emergency response efforts and speed up emergency relief funding.

In the past, a task like disaster relief is often a difficult situation to assess due to the fact that transportation into and out of the affected area is either impossible or too dangerous to do just after a disaster. In the referenced article, the man made disaster in the Port of Tianjin, China caused a 3KM exclusion zone to be formed around the port for weeks while the government determined if the explosion caused any hazardous material to become airborne. While traditional insurance companies that utilize either manned aviation assets or people on the ground waited for the exclusion zone to open up, cutting edge insurance companies utilized UASs to get real time video and photographs of the affected area. This allows the insurance companies to estimate and pay out insurance claims much faster to the companies effected by the explosion.

Image of Port of Tianjin, China After an Explosion 

Flood damage and hurricane damage are also great examples of situations where UASs could safely and quickly assess claims faster than other manned or manual methods. Because the cost of UASs are going down and the quality of cameras are going up it has created a perfect situations for companies to start utilizing UASs. Even more recently, the FAA relaxed commercial small UAS regulations which will make using UASs by insurance companies even easier.  

Lewis, C. (2016, July 18). The future is looking up for Insurance companies and drones. Retrieved September 08, 2016, from https://robotenomics.com/2016/07/18/the-future-is-looking-up-for-insurance-companies-and-drones/