Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sense and Avoid Technology of the eXom Unmanned Aerial System

The future of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) relies ultimately on safety. UAS safety is not merely measured by aircraft performance and redundancies; it is measured by the ability for a system to operate independently in an ever-changing, complex environment. The ability for a UAS to autonomously sense and avoid obstacles increases the safety and provides a method for safely operating in places that don’t receive GPS signal or places that are not conducive to manual control (i.e. confined industrial spaces).  The eXom UAS by senseFly Ltd. is one of the most cutting edge fully automated UASs.  It is capable of automated flight without the use of GPS or pre-mapped terrain databases. The system is extremely small, capable, and inexpensive. Understanding the technology on this platform as well as integrating it in to other small UASs can lead to an increase in safety standards for UASs in general.  

Sense and Avoid Operation and Sense and Avoid Technical Specifications

The eXom uses a multitude of sensors and processors to accomplish its sense and avoid capability. The system is centered on 5 dual-purposed modules that simultaneously measure both visual and ultrasonic readings around the UAS. The dual-purpose modules are strategically place around the airframe as well as above and below it in order to provide the processor a full picture of the environment around the aircraft (senseFly Ltd., 2015). The system works in two distinct ways. The ultrasonic sensors function similarly to how bats use echolocation. The sensor sends out a specific frequency of ultrasonic sound and then waits to here a return or echo from any surface around it. This sensor can provide the system an accurate distance measurement to the nearest obstacle. The ultrasonic sensor is suited to a task such as maintaining a hover at a specific height and distance from an obstacle. The visual portion of the sensor captures high definition photos of the areas under the UAS and map out key points. Once these key points are captured, they system autonomously measures drift, which is immediately corrected by the precise autopilot carried onboard the system. In a demonstration provided by the engineers, the system was not only able to hover in place, but was able to do so without the use of GPS. The ultrasonic sensors were used to control the Z-axis of motion and the visual sensors were utilized to control the X and Y-axis of motion (senseFly Ltd., 2015).


Suitability for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems  

The sensors that enable the eXom UAS to work are also extremely light and inexpensive. A typical ultrasonic sensor used in this system weighs only .003kg. Due to the need for multiple sensors, a five-sensor system along with the required wiring and processor weighs in at only .024kg (Perrett, 2014). Not only does this system weigh in at less than an ounce, but a system crafted from off the shelf parts only cost about $140 to produce (Perrett, 2014). The processing and power requirements of these types of systems are also relatively small compared to the power requirements for flight itself. The only difficulty in using ultrasonic sensors in rotorcraft-based systems is the high amount of background noise produced by high-speed rotors. To combat possible inaccurate readings, a buffer distance is used to ensure the echo from the sensors is not drowned out by the echo of the rotors (Perrett, 2014).

A major significance of this technology is that it can open up new fields to the small UAS world. This technology is perfectly suited for industrial inspection purposes. This system can fly into places that don’t typically receive GPS signal, as well into places that are extremely cluttered and intricate. In the future, miniaturization of sense and avoid system like that of the eXom could help the industrial sector save huge amounts of money and down time because these micro UAS inspectors could get deep into the guts of systems that would normally need to be turned off and taken apart. Along with their application into the industrial world, these sense and avoid systems could increase UAS safety and avoid dangerous and costly accidents.


Perrett, J. (2014). Developing Sense and Avoid (SAA) Capability in Small Unmanned Aircraft. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from Conference Paper.pdf

SenseFly Ltd. (2015). Learn More: eXom. Retrieved March 1, 2015, from  

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